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Whether as a founder, a music asset expert, or just an Industry veteran, I've been privileged to receive coverage from and contribute to several industry-leading publications. Sometimes a feature, sometimes a sound bite, always an honor to be considered a relevant voice. 

“…coming to tech from the music industry was beneficial in many ways, as [I] really understand our market, the growth potential, and the value of the tech within the ecosystem. [As a result] we have the calibre of customer and technology that will allow Andrson to become a global discovery leader — the most innovative, helpful, and profitable it can be...But it’s so important to ground those massive goals in practical, achievable benchmarks. So now our day-to-day mantra is to think robustly but realistically.”

"A lot of audio discovery uses esoteric data [for instance] percussiveness and danceability, which doesn't mean much to an agent or label rep. Andrson tells them that 'the melody of this song is x-percent like this Ariana Grande song.' It's immediately contextualized, benchmarked against something tangible.”

Pollstar, Andrson, Music Tech, Zach Miller-Frankel

“All AI has inherent bias; to reduce that as much as possible, we remove popularity metrics, e.g. streaming statistics or virality, from our analysis. These are great ancillary barometers of success, but by amplifying the weight of techniques like temporal and spectral analysis [in discovery and recommendation] you turn the process, and thereby the music you discover through it, into an asset.”

“We must rely on data in a conformational way, but prioritize the right data at the right time, and for the right purposes. Audio analysis remains commercially underutilized and mis-prioritized within the industry. Through prioritizing musical data, you can create a model that ultimately increases market size, listening pool, content creation, and profit.”


Click through below to read select contributions

techdigest, andrson, Music Tech, Music Discovery, Zach Miller-Frankel
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Have a partnership opportunity or media inquiry? 
I'd love to help! Use the form below, schedule a chat, or give me a phone call. 


+1 914.383.6778


Thanks for messaging — looking forward to speaking!
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